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The Good Ally (Paperback)

Nova Reid

Published: 13th October 2022 The Good Ally is an urgent call to arms to become better allies against racism and provides a thoughtful approach, centering collective healing, to do so. It is a book for those against persistent racial injustice, hungry to expand their knowledge and understanding of systemic racism in Britain and beyond. It uncovers the roots of racism and its birthplace, anti-Blackness. It is for those who not only want to be able to better recognise both subtle and overt forms of racism in action, to examine their powerful role in it, but who want to know what to do about it. The answer often lies within. The Good Ally is the answer to 'what next?'
LoveMyRead price: £9.99

Our Curators said...

In writing The Good Ally, Nova Reid offers all the generosity, wisdom and guidance of the best kind of coach. Her book is an entire course in anti-racism, asking the necessary questions while simultaneously providing all the support to further your anti-racism journey. She writes with deep knowledge and care, and the result is a book that seems to grow in line with the confidence it gives.

Jeffrey Boakye

- Jeffrey Boakye

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